How to Get Alt Text of a Picture Using ChatGPT 4

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Hello everyone, welcome to EcomBack.

So today our topic is that how you can write a good alt text using ChatGPT.

Why alt text?

Because alt text is compulsory for every picture you are going to use on your website or any social media platforms.

Because people with disabilities use different kind of assistive technologies like NVDA, JAWS, and MAC, vice over to read the website.

and these tools are going to read the alt text of picture and are going to explain what that picture is and going to help understanding a disabled person because of the picture and content of the picture.

It is very compulsory as well because lots of the people and websites are getting sued because not having a proper alt text or even not having alt text at all and also it will help you in your SEO as well.

So let’s start the video and let’s see how easy that is to get an alt text from ChatGPT.

First of all we click on attach.

Attach your picture just write write an alt text for picture or image upload it press enter just wait for ChatGPT and let’s see what results we get

okay the alt text is quite long we need to make sure the alt text shouldn’t be more than 120 characters so we can say reduce to 120 characters and enter so

you can see it’s a nice and good alt text explaining the cause of the picture so that’s how you can get the alt text for your you know website pictures and picture you’re going to use on the website and hopefully that video will help you please subscribe our channel for more updates and more information, thank you.

Embracing Accessibility with ChatGPT 4

Hello everyone! Welcome to EcomBack, where we are committed to making your digital experience as accessible and user-friendly as possible. Today, we’re diving into the world of alt text, a critical component for any visual content on your website or social media platforms. Let’s explore how ChatGPT 4, the latest AI technology, can simplify this process for you.

Why is alt text important?

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s discuss the “why”. Alt text, or alternative text, is a crucial component of web design and digital content. It’s not just an SEO tool but a vital feature for making content accessible to people with disabilities. Users who rely on assistive technologies such as NVDA, JAWS, and VoiceOver on Macs depend on alt text to understand the content of images.

Moreover, the absence of proper alt text can lead to legal complications, as many businesses face lawsuits for non-compliance with web accessibility standards. Plus, well-crafted alt text boosts your SEO, making your website more discoverable.

Generating Alt Text with ChatGPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s see how ChatGPT, a cutting-edge AI by OpenAI, simplifies this task.

Step 1: Accessing ChatGPT

Start by opening ChatGPT. You’ll find a user-friendly interface ready to assist you.

Step 2: Uploading Your Image

Click on ‘attach’ to upload your image. This step is straightforward just select the image you want to use and upload it.

Step 3: Requesting Alt Text

Type in a request like “write an alt text for this picture” and hit enter. ChatGPT will process your image and generate a description.

Step 4: Refining the Alt Text

Sometimes, the generated alt text may be too lengthy. Remember, ideal alt text should be concise, typically not exceeding 120 characters. If needed, ask ChatGPT to shorten it: “reduce to 120 characters”.

Step 5: Finalizing the Alt Text

You’ll receive succinct and descriptive alt text, perfect for your website or social media images.

Explore Our Relevant Blog Posts: The Best Tips for Writing Alt Text | Website ADA Experts at EcomBack

Enhanced Best Practices for Crafting Alt Text

Crafting effective alt text transcends mere creation; it’s an art that balances clarity and context. Here are refined best practices to elevate your alt text:

Precision in Description:

Your alt text should serve as a clear and precise description of the image’s content and its intent. Aim to vividly portray the key elements of the image, ensuring that users who can’t see it still grasp its essence. Remember, every picture tells a story, and your alt text is that narrative.

Brevity with Substance:

Alt text should be succinct yet substantial. Aim to encapsulate the essence of the image within a brief span, ideally under 120 characters. This conciseness ensures the alt text is digestible and to the point, without sacrificing the richness of the description.

Relevance Over Keywords:

While SEO is important, alt text should prioritize relevance and accuracy. Avoid the temptation to overload your alt text with keywords. Instead, focus on how the image relates to your content and its value to the user. Authentic and relevant alt text can enhance user experience and SEO organically.

Contextual Harmony:

The alt text should harmonize with the surrounding content, enhancing the overall narrative. It’s not just about describing an image in isolation but integrating it seamlessly with your content’s theme and message. Tailor your alt text to reflect how the image contributes to the broader topic or discussion.

Incorporating these refined practices in your alt text creation will ensure that your images are not only accessible but also meaningful and engaging to all users, thereby enriching their experience on your website.


Alt text is more than a compliance requirement, it’s a step towards creating an inclusive digital world. At EcomBack, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate these aspects smoothly. Our video tutorial offers a clear, practical demonstration of using ChatGPT 4 for alt text generation.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more insights and updates. Together, let’s make the internet a space for everyone. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards a more accessible web.