How to Edit Shopify Theme Settings Tutorial | Customize Theme Settings in Shopify – Part 2

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Hi everyone, welcome to This is the video 2 of the last my video that you, how you can, you know, basically update the banners and content on the home page. So there is one thing that I want to share with you. The theme settings, this, which is, as you can see over there. So this is theme settings. Basically, you will get these options in your theme that you can, you know, change the styling of the pages if you want to show more products on the collection Pages. If you want to have like, you know any kind of edits you want on the product pages, you can mostly control that from here. So if you first opportunity General, okay, this is basically the site width the Box colors, and, you know, the color scheme that we are using in your in your theme right now. And this is the fav icon. So, as you can see, this is we use or this client. And this is a loading one. So when some, when you change the page this loading effect, you will see that this is a font it’s using on the website. The font size and different areas of the website is being used and different colors. So you can have pretty much all the informati on there that your team is using. and from here you can basically change the color scheme, change the font style of your website. second thing is newsletter. So if you want to enable newsletter pop up, so you can have the enable pop, but and you can upload the picture that you want there. So you can have like a Mailchimp pop – up as well. But it’s entirely up to you what text you want, what information you want you can control that from here. Next is the header header is basically the logo area. Okay, so background – color we use is white. And the logo is this size. We have the basic information. As you can see the phone number and stuff. You can see all the information is there, apart from navigation menu and the footer menu, basically they are being towards from the navigation menu. And I have a separate video for that. You can see on our Channel. If you want footer, you will see the contact us. And all the information is there. Okay? And you have copyright and all information, you want their Facebook pages link YouTube links and whatever link you have, you can basically had that in this area and collection Pages. These are, again, these are the standing issue on s tyle. One Style to Style three. You can choose the style you one on the collection pages. And this is for the sidebar. So if you have filters by group or by tag, and if you have any picture you want to upload their, these are the option you will ge t from here. Product page is same thing, what information you want to show on the product pages? You can basically select it from here. And if you go on the blog page, so blog page have all the options that you know, how many articles you want number of comments you can get per page. It’s going to be left side, right side or none. So all the settings you can say for blog here, cart pag es are pretty much you know have less options, so you can only click, you know, few things for the cart pages from the admin, because in Shopify cart is being controlled by the Shopify itself about us page. The same thing you can have like basic informat ion and all. You know, you can add it here and contact page and extension is like same thing. But you know it depends. Basically, these are the headings over here for the pages, but the itself content can be controlled from the pages in the navigatio n. We already shared a video video that how you can update the content on the CMS Pages, like shipping an FAQ so you can watch over the video for that. Hopefully this video will help you to understand the theme settings, and if you have any and you can leave us a comment, or you can email us at for more information. Thank you for watching.

Editing Your Shopify Theme

When you’re bored with the current layout of your Shopify online store, theme settings allow you to redesign it with new content, font, color choices, and more. The best part is each theme has sections and settings that allow you to change the appearance of your store without editing any code.

EcomBack breaks down each section in your Shopify’s theme settings. Customize the appearance and feel of your shop on Shopify today.

How to Edit Shopify Theme Settings

  1. Select the Theme settings tab to tweak your store’s colors, typography, social media, and the checkout experience. You can choose to show more products on your theme, tweak any styles you want, and more.
  1. General
  • This is where you can set the maximum width that your online store.
  • Also, edit the color pallet of your theme. The Colors options will show the colors for your theme’s default background, headings, body text, lines, button, and other core sections. Click the color to either enter a color hex code or choose a color from the palette.
  • You can add a favicon and a loading gif.
  • Change the font for headings, accents, and body text, along with options for font size, thickness, and more. Select from dozens of typefaces from Google Fonts.
  1. The Popup Newsletter allows you to customize the newsletter popup, mainly to edit are the general copy and the background image.
  1. The Header displays on all pages in your online store. Choose the background color of your store header and logo image.
  1. The Footer section allows you to add Contact Information, social media links, and your Footer Menu.
  1. For Collection pages, you can choose the style, which usually varies between No Sidebar, Left Sidebar, or Right Sidebar. Meanwhile, the Sidebar Collection page section allows you to enable filters either by Tag or by Group. Images can also be added.
  1. Product Page has a variety of settings to choose from, such as Adding Color Swatches, Size Swatches, Product Type, SKU, Vendor, and Categories.
  1. For Blog pages, you can set the limit of articles (maximum: 4 posts) and the number of comments per page.
  1. For the Checkout page, you can add the shipping calculator default country selection and enable UpSell Products.
  1. About Us page has settings like Enable Banner, Heading, Caption, Enable 3 Columns, and more.
  1. Contact Page has the ability to change styles, add a page for content, and contact form with a title.

EcomBack Has the Shopify Store Services Your eCommerce Business Needs

EcomBack has extensive experience in offering top-quality quality Shopify store design and development services. Our team of specialists has worked on a variety of e-commerce sites, as well as developed Shopify shops with amazing themes, features, and designs.

If you have any questions about your Shopify site, please contact us at!